Intrepidaria is Musica di Seta’s podcast, in eight episodes, one per month from December 2020 to July 2021, in which some important women artists of music are told and not only that, from 1400 to date, have signed history.
They are true stories for the ideas, the talent, the study, the abnegation and the braveness of their protagonists. As in every story there are some crossroads, some moments where it opens one way rather than another, independently from our will: social conditions, familiar structures, artistic conventions, missed occasions. They are crossroads which often can upset the ending of the story and don’t depend from us, but from the world in which we live.

Intrepidaria reads history in a different way, as if at the crossroads another door had opened at the crossroads, a door of freedom and equality.

Author: Stefania Panighini
Narrating voice: Sara Galli
Theme song: “Lacrimometro – acustic version“ by Chiara Raggi
Artistic direction: Chiara Raggi, Giulia Pratelli, Stefania Panighini
Production: Musica di Seta
Press and Media: Chiara Giorgi